Questions for Podcast

  1. Do you know the authors Kenji Yoshino and Kwame Anthony Appiah?
  2. do you think people have 2 identities in todays world? If so, explain?
  3. if you think people have 2 identities, why do they do that
  4. What do you know about Assimilation and covering?


After listening to the podcast assigned to your group, write a post evaluating both the presentation–volume, modulation (speed and variation in tone), articulation (clear pronunciation), etc.–and the content.  For the content, keep in mind the rules from “10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation.”  Does the interviewer use open-ended questions?  Does the interviewer listen to the interviewee and respond to what Duhigg has said?  Is it a conversation?

I really like this podcast because these 2 people work really well together. The sound i can hear clearly and both people both speak very well. The reader uses great questions and they are both listening and the interviewee answers the questions very well.

After reading Gay in Emerging and Appiah in Week 10, choose one or the other for your paper/podcast.  Then write the following blog post: Does this author (Gay or Appiah) see a problem in the pressures people feel to conform to expectations?  How is the way this author sees the problem similar to Yoshino?

One of the problems was in the article of Appiah proposed was that a young movie director (who was black) thought the movie script wasn’t black enough “a young black director who’d grown up in a New York City housing project. Mr. Rich apparently worried that the script wasn’t “black enough” and proposed turning the protagonist’s father, a schoolteacher, into a garbage man. which means there is a problem with people trying to meet expectations.

