Read “She Ran From the Cut…” by Jina Moore and “The Art of Social Change” by Kwame Anthony Appiah in Blackboard Week 6
Annotate and write a blog post in response to this question: Where does conversation in either of the meanings Appiah gives us play a role in these social changes? Include both readings in your response.
In the first article I read, The Art of Social Change, they explained a type of conversation to start a social change, there main conversation method was having meetings and talking about ways to start a social movements. In this article, a guy named John Macgowan, and he asked them to sign this treaty to abandon foot binding“…called a meeting of Christian women in Xiamen. He asked them to sign a pledge to abandon foot-binding. Nine women did. Eventually. Women joined the Quit-Footbinding Society in larger numbers, pledging not to bind the feet of their daughters and some choosing to undergo the often painful process of unbinding themselves. Then they were joined, in 1894, by the Unbound Foot Association, which the Confucian scholar and reformist leader Kang Youwei helped found. It eventually had more than 10,000 members.” This quote is explaining that in the first meeting, only 9 people showed, but then the number got to 10,000 people which is a big number, and it started a huge social movement.
In the next article, She Ran From the Cut, a girl from Kenya named Nice Leng’ete tried to save and help people from cutting themselves in and around their villages, What she did is that she went village to village (different from the other article because this is going village to village, the past one was arranging a meeting) and tried to stop people from cutting themselves. “Ms. Leng’ete never forgot what her sister suffered, and as she grew up, she was determined to protect other Maasai girls. She started a program that goes village to village, collaborating with elders and girls to create a new rite of passage — without the cutting. In seven years, she has helped 15,000 girls avoid the cutting ritual. Her work mirrors national — and global — trends. Rates of female genital cutting worldwide have fallen 14 percent in the last 30 years. Here in Kenya, cases have fallen more than twice that fast.” She really helped people all over Kenya save themselves by not cutting themselves.
There can be different ways to start a conversation that impacts a social movement. In the first article, he arranged a meeting to get people together to start a social movement. in the second article, there was going village to village or house to house etc…, to try to help people with that persons idea for a social movement