Final Project

CASE STUDY reflection

This project was very interesting in my point of view, it was interesting to learn about UNE’s buildings, but also Fort Lewis College green buildings and sustainability that they are doing on their campus, and I would really like UNE just to try a few of these sustainable things these colleges are doing at first, like renewable energy, green buildings, agriculture, and more things. It would really change if more universities do this so we can start a wave of being more green.

Project proposal rough draft relection

For our rough draft project proposal, it was pretty difficult. I had a hard time looking at the website for our proposal to find relative information. I felt like we did have some good information for our paper, it was still lacking in some areas; ex: I could not find much about how much money it would cost for our school to purchase some of these Energy star items that are necessary to make our buildings more energy efficient. It was also hard for me because this proposal was initially not our first idea, we had to move to another proposal, which was pretty hard to switch from one idea to the other.

Final draft reflection/feedback reflection

For our final draft of the proposal, it went better than the rough draft, in my point of view, but it was still hard for me. We received significant feedback from our professor that was helpful however it was still a challenge. My partner and I talked regularly over Zoom but we had had more questions than answers. The feedback was very helpful and we made some good changes to out project but we still had a hard time locating important information.
