Students should include this page as a means to personalize and customize their ePortfolio. They may choose to write about their major, their interests, or their experiences. They should say something about themselves as writers. Students may choose to add a picture. In keeping with the expectations of the project, this page should strike a professional tone.
Hi, My name is Harry Wales. I am attending University of New England for 4 years, and now I’m starting my first year. What I am majoring in is Environmental Studies, I want how to protect our habitat because animal and plant species are continuing to go down, So I want to try to save habitat from people who cut down trees. The reason I chose this major because I am really into birds, my dad got me into birding and i really love to go outside and look for birds. I have been bird-watching for about 9 years, and I love every minute of it. back to what I said, birds are decreasing in numbers because of habitat loss. If we don’t start protecting animals and plants, a lot of those organisms will be extinct, so I am trying to make a difference. Outside of class/school I really like to play basketball and watch the Boston Celtics. I am really a big fan of all Boston sports